In about a month most of our very strong athletes will be competing at the Paris Paralympics.
Bardiani CSF TEAM EQUA is among the strongest Paralympic teams in the world. We don’t know if other teams can afford to field 7 athletes at the most famous sporting event in the world.
Well, our big names called up are:
Ana Maria Vitelaru, already winner of the 2024 World Cup, Fabrizio Cornegliani gold in the World Cup test in Maniago, Claudia Cretti Italian champion and then Martino Pini, the tandem pair Plebani-Bernard and finally Svetlana Moshkovich still in the team but who will run for the Austrian representation.
Last month we went with Ana Maria, Martino Pini and Frabrizio Cornegliani to try out the Paris ring on which all the Paralympic athletes will compete. It is a 10-12 km ring. about forty km from the metropolis, which runs partly on a small hill and for the remaining distance in the urban centre. Definitely a challenging route due to the two short but intense climbs, one of which is almost 10%. These will certainly be the ones on which the athletes’ strategies will be based to make the difference.
However, we remain perplexed by the conditions of the road surface which, with speed deterrents and wells not flush with the road surface, make the route quite dangerous. We trust that the organization of the Games will remedy these problems.
The retreats for the kids follow one another at a fast pace while waiting for the departure which for many is the achievement of a great dream.
A bientot!